Our Values

Larseng Group > Our Values

Our Values

Our shared values continue to shape our original mission: to deliver superior risk-adjusted returns to investors while playing an effective role as agents of economic and social change in the markets and communities in which we invest. We adhere to the principles that underpin our values: entrepreneurialism, accountability, collaboration, integrity and empathy.

Investor First

Above all we are returns driven, building lasting partnerships to deliver exceptional results.

Commitment to Value Creation

Pursuing profitable businesses is essential in order to remain relevant in our industry. We follow a relentless process to create significant long-term value for our investors in the businesses we manage, while retaining market leadership in our areas of expertise, through continuously outperforming our competitors.

Striving for Excellence

We take great pride in the skill and professionalism of our people. Continuous learning is a priority at all levels of the business. We focus on our core competencies, we respect and empower our colleagues and we are committed to teamwork, while practicing humility at all times.

Collaborative Culture

We operate as “One Firm,” sharing knowledge and capabilities across a global platform.

Rewarding Entrepreneurship

We encourage our people to have strong convictions and business creativity. We reward hard work and commitment through compensation linked to long-term reward structures.

Holistic Stakeholder Engagement

We share a commitment to social impact and strive to engage people and communities in our work.

Personal and Professional Integrity

Our reputation and integrity are key to our success, and we adhere to the highest, globally recognized professional and ethical standards.

Deep Insights
& Strong Conviction

Building & Growing Great Companies