Our Philosophy

Larseng Group > Our Philosophy

Our Philosophy

The broader equity markets have changed dramatically in the last two decades from the dawn of electronic trading, algorithms and dark pools, but the method of disposition for concentrated equity holders has not.

In order for a concentrated equity holder to make an informed liquidity decision, it is absolutely necessary to have institutional access and information in order to maximize their IRR and limit their impact on the market.

That said, most feel that by having institutional access they need to sacrifice something – their anonymity. With anonymity being of paramount concern, most have settled on the idea that the retail coverage model is their only choice – that they would prefer to sacrifice the speed and quality of their execution under the presumption that their anonymity is better protected.

We Don’T Believe That Anyone Should Have To Sacrifice The Speed And Quality Of Their Executions For Anonymity.

We have selected the best of what is available in terms of both process and execution and consolidated it on one platform based on the below four core principles:

Autonomous Platform

We manage ALL aspects of our business, from trading to distribution to settlement, directly on our desk. By managing the process from start to finish, we can materially speed up our execution and limit information leakage.

Anonymous Liquidity

Everyone on our team is a licensed trader, giving us the ability to trade directly to the Street and/or our desk. We do not use a liaison desk. Controlling the order means we control the information.

Institutional Access

While autonomous and anonymous, our direct institutional access levels the playing field for the benefit of our clients.

Client Centric

Our clients are the core of everything we do. We make ourselves available whenever they need us.

Deep Insights
& Strong Conviction

Building & Growing Great Companies