

Inter-regional Highways from Lamu to Isiolo, Isiolo to Juba (South Sudan), Isiolo to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), and Lamu to Garsen (Kenya)


The total construction cost for the highway is estimated at USD 1,396 million



Highway has an EIRR of 12.9% for the total length of 920km from Lamu to Lokichar.



The Project is being financed through a combination of Public/Private Finance and Operations undertaken by the Private Sector



To facilitate the initial and immediate off take of the cargo from , the construction of the Lamu-Witu-Garsen road has been prioritized which will connect to existing roads infrastructure. Kenya has road and transport Agreements with the Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of South Sudan on the development of interregional highways under the LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority.


  • Works on the 505Km Isiolo to Moyale section is complete.
  • Construction works on the One-Stop Border Post at Moyale is ongoing and is expected to be commissioned in the 2016/17 FY
  • World Bank has approved a 500 Million USD loan for the construction of the road section between Lokichar and Nakodok
  • Detailed engineering design of the Lamu-Garissa-Isiolo-Nginyang road funded by the AfDB is complete.
  • Procurement of a contractor for the Lamu-Garsen (115Km) section has been completed. Construction is expected to commence in November 2016.
  • Travel time between Moyale (Kenya/Ethiopia border town) and Nairobi reduced from about 3 days down to 10 hours. Previously, bus travelers made two night stopovers during the journey from Moyale to Nairobi. The first at Marsabit and the second at Isiolo, arriving in Nairobi on the evening of the third day.
  • Increased response by government institutions in the delivery of public services including security
  • Stabilization of security among communities residing along the road has significantly increased. Inter-community conflicts have since reduced to almost nil.
  • Increased commodity supply and economic trade into the region.
  • Increased market access to goods and livestock produced from the region.
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