Financing Products

Larseng Group > Services > Financing Products

Tender and Bid Bonds

This facility is provided to clients to enable them bid for supply of goods and services.
Guarantees The firm offers this facility to enable clients bid for supply of goods and services. The proportion of contract value to be covered is agreed upon between the applicant and the beneficiary.


  • Minimum amount: Open
  • Appraisal Fee: 2% of contract value p.a
  • Tenure: Depending on the contract time period

Wholesale Loan

This facility is offered to financial institutions that require funding for onward lending to entrepreneurs who may not access the funding directly from ICDC.


  • Minimum amount: USD 10m
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Tenure: Up to 5 years

Asset Finance

This product targets corporate clients who seek to acquire, modernize and/or increase fleet of motor vehicles (non-PSV), machinery & equipment.


  • Loan amount Up to USD 30m
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Tenure: Motor vehicle up to 5 years, Machinery, Plant & Equipment up to 8 years

This is an approved loan limit amount available for draw down over a period of up to one year. It is designed to address unforeseen liquidity constraints.


  • Loan amount: Up to USD 300m
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Tenure: reviewed annually

Contract Finance

This is designed to allow businesses to access short term loans for working capital to supply goods on contract or undertake tendered projects.


  • Loan amount: Up to USD 200m
  • Competitive interest rates
  • Tenure: Up to 3 years
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