Inter-regional Highways from Lamu to Isiolo, Isiolo to Juba (South Sudan), Isiolo to Addis Ababa (Ethiopia), and Lamu to Garsen (Kenya)
The total construction cost for the highway is estimated at USD 1,396 million
Highway has an EIRR of 12.9% for the total length of 920km from Lamu to Lokichar.
The Project is being financed through a combination of Public/Private Finance and Operations undertaken by the Private Sector
To facilitate the initial and immediate off take of the cargo from , the construction of the Lamu-Witu-Garsen road has been prioritized which will connect to existing roads infrastructure. Kenya has road and transport Agreements with the Republic of Ethiopia and the Republic of South Sudan on the development of interregional highways under the LAPSSET Corridor Development Authority.